More on hair

Hair extensions – are they effective?

For ladies with short hair, hair extensions can be extremely useful, in theory.  In reality, it isn’t anywhere near as simple as we see in advertising.

Salons claim that hair extensions are quick, easy, and affordable.  After just one visit you become a happy owner of a long and thick head of hair, which had previously been only a dream.  In reality, there are more disadvantages than benefits.

The effects of hair extension

  • Extreme hair loss. Due to the added weight of donor hair, follicles tire much faster. Consequently, hair loss is twice what it would normally be.
  • Tangled hair. Due to special clamps, when hair falls naturally, it gets trapped and eventually results in a huge tangled mess.  It is very difficult to get rid of these tangles later on.
  • Maintenance.  Artificial strands require more careful maintenance.  Corrections are often necessary, and expensive products are required for maintenance.  Furthermore the hair should be braided, or a hat should be worn while sleeping.
  • Options for hairstyles are severely limited. Most hairstyles that are appropriate for natural hair are impossible for artificial hair.
  • Extensions are always noticeable. The slightest difference in shade and structure is always visible, regardless of what salons tell us.  Men in general don’t like the appearance of hair extensions, and appreciate natural hair.

Curlers – out-of-date?

Using curlers is one of the oldest methods for curling hair.  Many modern ladies believe that rollers were used by their grandmothers and should be thrown out.  Is this wise?

Modern alternative to curlers

Curlers can be replaced by electric curling irons, hair dryers, or by just having a perm.  These tools have their advantages and disadvantages.

• Curling irons have a positive, but short-lived result.
• A hairdryer is easy to use, but damages the hair structure.
• Perms last a long time, but severely damage hair.

As you can see, curlers are not such a bad option, especially now that there are so many options to choose from.

Types of hair curlers
1. Rods – metal or wood rods with spiral notches.
2. Curlers – soft curlers are made of plastic and used overnight.
3. Electric curlers don't need to boil in water, do not spoil the hair, and their temperature is regulated.  They are convenient and practical.
4. Velcro rollers are suitable for long hair.
5. Metal curlers can be easily fixed onto the hair, but they cannot be dried with a dryer to prevent overheating.
6. Foam is perfect for overnight styling.
7. Velvet curlers look like hollow cylinders, covered in cloth, and make gentle waves without spoiling the hair.
8. Boomerangs are soft rods convenient for sleep, and hold their shape for a long time.

Considering how diverse modern curlers are, they shouldn’t be discarded. Therefore, we can say that curlers have not lost their relevance, and simply need to be chosen accordingly.

Professional hair masks: what are the benefits?

Many believe that homemade hair masks are better than professional ones. But this is a misconception, albeit a very common one.  Professional hair masks are often more useful, as they are enriched with the vitamins and minerals that help the main ingredients penetrate into the hair structure.

What are the advantages of using professional hair masks?

  • Unlike store-bought masks, where product quality often cannot be verified, professional masks are only available in select beauty salons.  Therefore, their quality is controlled much more carefully.
  • Professional hair masks include detailed instructions, where each phase is thoroughly explained.  In addition, the stylist will choose the mask that suits your hair type.
  • The composition of professional masks contains many more ingredients than store bought or homemade ones.  Masks without additional components are not effective.  For example, vitamin E is not absorbed without vitamin D, and vitamin A cannot penetrate deep roots without vitamin C.  The composition of professional hair masks is more balanced, and to achieve that balance at home is almost impossible.

Homemade masks vs. professional masks: which one is more effective?

There are many different recipes for hair masks, and to list them all is pointless.  It’s much more important to know which of the masks will be particularly effective for your hair, and what their advantages in comparison these to professional masks are.

Why use homemade hair masks?

  • Environmentally friendly. Unlike professional cosmetics, natural hair masks use almost no chemicals.
  • Availability. Most of the necessary ingredients are in every home, and homemade masks are much cheaper.
  • Natural. Due to their composition, homemade masks strengthen hair, help it grow faster, and give it a natural shine.

What ingredients are more beneficial?

  • Kefir. Simply rinsing your hair with kefir is the best way to strengthen and soften it.
  • Egg. A mixture of eggs, olive oil, onion, and honey not only strengthen the hair, but also prevent hair loss.
  • Cinnamon. Cinnamon oil mixed with coconut makes hair smooth and shiny, easy to brush, and grow much faster.
  • Banana. Along with almond oil, mashed banana pulp restores damaged hair.

Curls or straight hair – which hairstyle is more appropriate?

Different occasions require different hairstyles. All women are aware that there are countless ways to straighten and curly hair.  However, knowing how to do it properly and for which occasions the different styles apply is another story.

Playful curls for the flirtatious image

  • If you wish to curl your hair, familiarize yourself with these simple guidelines so that your hair will always look appropriate.
  • Tight curls - for strict business style, tight curls definitely don't fit, but they are appropriate for parties, friendly gatherings, and daily activities.
  • For special events, bouncy curls are appropriate, but for evening business soft waves are better.

Straight hair

  • A woman with long straight hair is subconsciously perceived as dominant. Accordingly, this hairstyle is perfectly suited for business images.
  • For parties original or extravagant hairstyle with straight hair will provide you with increased attention.  To soften the image, the hair may be put up, and this style is suitable for every day or for a romantic rendezvous.  The options are unlimited.

Hair care

In order to stay strong and healthy hair requires attention. Careful regular maintenance will help promote and enrich natural beauty.  Why does hair fall out, fade, split, or stop growing?  Most likely, it doesn’t have enough energy due to harsh styling, poor diet, and poor ecology.  What can be done? Daily brushing, light massages, d'arsonval, and masks will give better results than a one-time shock dose of advertised products which give fast, but unfortunately, short-term results.

The path to dream curls


  1. The right shampoo.Clean breathable skin is the key to the vitality and fertility of follicles.  Choosing the wrong shampoo dries hair out and thins the strands.  Shampoo must be chosen according to scalp type and hair structure.  It is best to consult your stylist.
  2. Gentle cleansing.  The interval between shampoo treatments depends on the individual skin type and hair.  The recommended frequency is every four to five days.  Daily washing is harmful, and there should be a minimum interval of two days. If your hair is oily, masks are to be used carefully, only nourishing dry ends.  The mask should be applied only on dry and damaged hair.  For oily scalp, a refreshing shampoo or mask with clay, mustard, or menthol should be used once or twice a week for deep pore cleansing, in order to remove residue from styling products.
  3. Food.  Our hair is alive, and it needs vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for strength.  Food alone does not provide all necessary nutrients. Enriched shampoos, vitamin masks, and tonic lotions work great, along with vitamins taken orally.  It is easy to buy ready-made compositions, but it is better to prepare a wholesome blend of natural ingredients.
  4. Massage.  If the hair grows slowly, gently massaging with a brush or your fingers will improve microcirculation.  This is best done in the morning, immediately after waking up.
  5. Darsonval.  This is a cosmetic device, which strengthens hair follicles and continuously stimulates growth.  Sessions are easy to conduct at home, every day, or every other day, for at least 20 procedures, each lasting 20-25 minutes. Take care of your hair, love the results!


  1. The right shampoo.Clean breathable skin is the key to the vitality and fertility of follicles.  Choosing the wrong shampoo dries hair out and thins the strands.  Shampoo must be chosen according to scalp type and hair structure.  It is best to consult your stylist.
  2. Gentle cleansing.  The interval between shampoo treatments depends on the individual skin type and hair.  The recommended frequency is every four to five days.  Daily washing is harmful, and there should be a minimum interval of two days. If your hair is oily, masks are to be used carefully, only nourishing dry ends.  The mask should be applied only on dry and damaged hair.  For oily scalp, a refreshing shampoo or mask with clay, mustard, or menthol should be used once or twice a week for deep pore cleansing, in order to remove residue from styling products.
  3. Food.  Our hair is alive, and it needs vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for strength.  Food alone does not provide all necessary nutrients. Enriched shampoos, vitamin masks, and tonic lotions work great, along with vitamins taken orally.  It is easy to buy ready-made compositions, but it is better to prepare a wholesome blend of natural ingredients.
  4. Massage.  If the hair grows slowly, gently massaging with a brush or your fingers will improve microcirculation.  This is best done in the morning, immediately after waking up.
  5. Darsonval.  This is a cosmetic device, which strengthens hair follicles and continuously stimulates growth.  Sessions are easy to conduct at home, every day, or every other day, for at least 20 procedures, each lasting 20-25 minutes. Take care of your hair, love the results!